Johdatus varhaisen kirkon teologiaan

Johdatus varhaisen kirkon teologiaan 150 150 Gunnar af Hällström

Johdatus varhaisen kirkon teologiaan

Gunnar af Hällström / Anni Maria Laato / Juha Pihkala

Gunnar af Hällström

Publisher: Kirjapaja, 2005
Hardcover: 277 pages
Language: Finnish
ISBN-13: 9789516072275

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  • The unique masterpiece introduces its readers to the theological literature of the early church and provides tools for understanding ecclesiastical texts. At the same time, the work is an excellent introduction to the theology and ecclesiastical practice of the first Christian centuries.

    The book is divided into four main chapters.

    First, the world of early Christians: in what environment was Christianity born, what in it appealed to the people of the era, and what was the relationship between Christians and their environment. The second chapter sheds light on the development of early Christian theology and examines how the proclamation of the New Faith developed into a theological reflection and what authorities the Church relied on. The third chapter focuses on two key features of Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity and Christology, the formation of which is monitored in the light of early sources. The fourth chapter examines the relationship between man and God in the teaching and life of the early Church.

    The work is a valuable handbook for religious teachers and necessary for anyone who is interested in the history of the Church or wants to understand the theology of our time and the theological emphases of the various churches. The book was written by prof. Gunnar af Hällström (University of Joensuu), TT Anni Maria Laato (Åbo Akademi) and Bishop, dos. (University of Helsinki) Juha Pihkala. In their research, they have become acquainted with the dogmatics and history of the early church. Everyone has also been involved in ecumenical work.

  • 1. The World of the First Christians

    1.1. The Christians in the Ancient World
    1.2. The Christians in the Roman Empire
    1.3. Christians and Jews
    1.4. What in Christianity appealed to People in Late Antiquity?

    2 The Birth of Early Christian Theology

    2.1. From Sermons to Theoretical Consideration
    2.2. Authorities for Theologians
    2.3. The Principles of Biblical Exegesis
    2.4. Early Christianity and Philosophy
    2.5. The Concept of God in Early Christianity

    3. The Doctrine of Trinity and Christology

    3.1. Archeology or Present Day Reality?
    3.2. The Early Formation of Trinitarian Doctrine and Christology
    3.3. Faith Looking for Understanding: the Monarchian Debates
    3.4. Consistent Platonic Unitarism and the Church’s Trinitarism: the Clash
    3.5. The Council of Nicaea: Christianity Liberated from Philosophy
    3.6. The Trinitarian Concept of God Clarified before Constantinople 381
    3.7. The Development of Christology in the Conciliar Period
    3.8. Reflexions

    4. The Relationship between God and Man

    4.1. The Doctrine of Man
    4.2. The Doctrine of Salvation
    4.3. Ecclesiology
    4.4 The Sacraments