Irenaeus the Peacemaker on Ecumenism.
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Providence (Pronoia) in the Early Apologists and Creeds
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What can Modern Theologians Learn from Origen’s School in Caesarea?
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A Spiritual Meal for Spiritual People. The Eucharist in the Theology of Clement and Origen of Alexandria.
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Families in Finland between Idealism and Practice.
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Emilianos Timiadis
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Om vänskap i Platons anda hos Augustinus av Hippo.
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The Actuality of the Church Fathers according to Emilianos Timiadis.
The Actuality of St. Basil the Great. Conference Lectures. Ed. Gunnar af Hallstrom. Åbo 2011, p. 2-9.
An Evaluation of the Dogmatic Themes.
11th and 12th Theological Discussions between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Russian Orthodox Church. Helsinki 2011, p. 204-214.
More than Initiation? Baptism according to Origen of Alexandria.
Ablution, Initiation and Baptism. Eds David Hellholm, Tor Wegge et al. 2011, p. 989-1009. W de Gruyter.
Proof From Prophecy against Proof from Prophecy. A Second Century Sermon (Contra Celsum VIII 9).
Among Jews, Gentiles and Christians. Studies in Honour of Professor Skarsaune on his 65 th Birthday. Trondheim 2011.
Skapelstron – En Tro Med Potential Att Förändra Världen
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“Joka Kuuluu Yhteen Kirkkokuntaan, Kuuluu Jokaiseen.” Emilianos Timiadiksen Käsitys Ekumeniasta
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The Wrath of God and His Followers. Early Christian Considerations. Divine Wrath and Divine Mercy in the World of Antiquity
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Emilianos Timiadis In Memoriam
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Christ in Corpus Dionysiacum
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Cerinthus and the Cerinthians.
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Classical and Christian Education According to St. John Chrysostom
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Andens Gåvor i Fornkyrkan
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The Riddle of the Pseudo-Dionysian Hierarchies.
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From Chaos to Cosmos – Interpreting the Hierarchies of Pseudo-Dionysius – The Rastern Mediterranean in the Late Antique and Early Byzantine Periods.
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Fångad av förnuftet. Ortodoxa synpunkter på västerlandsk teologi och dess inflytande.
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Klassisk Bildning Enligt Johannes Chrysostomos
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Origen in Greece
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